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What is Quantum Computing


What exactly is quantum computing?

Quantum theory is a field of physics concerned with the universe of atoms and the smaller (subatomic) particles that reside within them. You may imagine that atoms operate in the same way that everything else in the universe does, in their own tiny little way—but that's not the case: on the atomic scale, the rules change, and the "classical" principles of physics that we take for granted in our everyday lives no longer apply automatically. As one of the twentieth century's best physicists, Richard P. Feynman, put it, "Things on a very small scale behave like nothing you have any direct experience with... or like anything you have ever seen."

What's the big deal about quantum computers?

Some of the applications of quantum computers that prove it is a boon for us:

  • Development of Drugs and Materials

Quantum computers could speed up drug discovery and development, providing scientists the power to address issues that are currently intractable. Because of their extremely high processing power, these machines can simultaneously review multiple molecules, proteins, and chemicals using quantum simulation.

  • Finance

Quantum computers can potentially provide enormous benefits to the financial sector, ranging from deeper analytics to new, faster trading opportunities.

Banks like IBM and JPMorgan Chase have been testing quantum technology to see what precise operations it will be capable of accomplishing on a large scale in the near future.

  • Changes in the Climate

Environmentally, quantum computers have enormous promise, and scientists expect that, through quantum simulation, they will be essential in assisting countries in meeting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Quantum computers, for example, may be able to hasten the development of novel CO2 catalysts that ensure efficient carbon dioxide recycling while creating valuable gases such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

  • Cybersecurity and information security

On the other hand, while quantum computers will provide numerous benefits, they will almost certainly introduce new threats.

Quantum computers will be able to break through the public-key encryption that is frequently used today to protect the information, which means that data, no matter how secure it is now, could be subject to future attacks. That's a terrible possibility for any organization with sensitive data to safeguard.

Why are we interested in quantum computers?

Certain problems that are effectively impossible for conventional, classical computers to solve are expected to be simple for quantum computers. Quantum computers are also expected to put present cryptography technologies to the test and to open up new avenues for truly private communication.

Quantum computers will aid in the study, modeling, and manipulation of other quantum systems. This skill will improve our understanding of physics and impact the design of items like computer chips, communication devices, scientific instruments, energy technologies, clocks, sensors, and materials, which are created at scales where quantum mechanics plays a role.

What are quantum computers capable of that regular computers are not?

Although many people believe that quantum computers must be superior to conventional ones, this is far from certain. So far, the only thing we know for sure that a quantum computer could do better than a traditional one is factorization: discovering two unknown prime numbers that, when multiplied together, provide a third, known number. While working at Bell Laboratories in 1994, mathematician Peter Shor demonstrated a technique that a quantum computer may use to identify the "prime factors" of a huge number, greatly speeding up the job.

What are the properties of a quantum computer?

Some properties of quantum computers are shared with those of classical computers. Both types of computers, for example, typically include chips, circuits, and logic gates. Their operations are guided by algorithms (essentially sequential instructions), and they represent information using a binary code of ones and zeros.

Quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which process data in radically distinct ways. Unlike classical bits, which can only represent one or zero, a qubit can be in a superposition of one and zero until its state is measured.

Furthermore, the states of multiple qubits can be entangled, which means they are quantum mechanically linked to one another. Superposition and entanglement provide quantum computers powers that traditional computer do not have.

Qubits can be created by manipulating atoms, electrically charged atoms known as ions, or electrons, or by nanoengineering so-called artificial atoms, such as superconducting qubit circuits, using a printing technique known as lithography.


Quantum computing is a branch of computer science that uses quantum physics, the theory of energy and matter on the lowest scales, to do tasks faster or more efficiently than traditional computers. Quantum computing incorporates subatomic particles such as electrons or photons that can exist in numerous states simultaneously, a phenomenon known as superposition, and influence one other across distances, a phenomenon known as entanglement. Quantum computing necessitates using specialized equipment known as quantum computers, which can handle these particles and run various forms of quantum algorithms35. Quantum computing is still in its early stages and has yet to outperform traditional computing for most practical problems, although it has potential applications in fields such as cryptography, optimization, and artificial intelligence.

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